Consulting for Beginning or New Orchardists.
Matt's experience is usually free for the asking.
There are a lot of consultants in the fruit production world. Our strength is variety and rootstock knowledge, nursery production, quality nursery stock acquisition, and helping commercial and new growers plan and develop productive orchards. Matt is somewhat cynical and suspicious of the “next best thing”, so his advice will be conservative and down to earth. No B.S. but expect some humor!
Check out the New Fruit Grower Blog articles for some quick common sense advice.
The variety and rootstock picture can be blurry and hard to focus on. There are many people and programs in the industry that are pushing new varieties and rootstocks based on their financial investment in them, not necessarily based on proven research and success. We do not have a financial interest in any new varieties, rootstocks, or other intellectual property, and will give you straight and honest answers and opinions.
Matt has years of experience in growing fruit trees in the nursery and can help you if you need to grow your own. The commercial fruit tree nurseries are less willing to speculate on odd and uncommon varieties, and sometimes you just might have to “grow your own”. Matt can help.
Matt has many years of experience in working with large growers, small growers, and new growers trying to establish their businesses. Feel free to ask Matt about.
- » • Orchard renovation
- » • New orchard development
- » • Small on-farm nurseries
- » • Grafting techniques and equipment
Matt is very willing to share his knowledge and experience for free within the local area as long as you are or become a customer. However, if you are out of Michigan and need on-site consulting, there may be reasonable charges for travel, lodging, etc.