Commercial Tree Sales
Make a plan and order early!
We only work with commercial accounts. Check out our services to see how we can best help your type of business. Sorry we do not sell to backyard growers or hobbyists.
ORDER EARLY! Ordering EARLY gives the best chance of finding what you are looking for. Do NOT wait until Spring! Waiting will usually result in disappointment. The sharpest growers are ordering trees a year or more ahead.
SEND US A WISH LIST! Please be as detailed as you can but recognize that in today's fruit tree nursery production systems, there are many different strains and rootstocks. You should be flexible about specific cultivars or rootstocks. The Wish List gets us a starting point to meet your needs as best we can.
PRICES. You do NOT pay more by ordering through us. We are paid strictly by commission and you will be charged the current prices based on the nursery the order is placed with. We try to place orders where you will get the best value based on quantity and other factors like shipping, packaging, etc. You pay the nursery directly--- not through us.
We often cannot give you exact pricing until we know the exact nature of the final order, but we can give you close estimates for budgetary purposes.
MINIMUM ORDERS usually start at about 50 total trees per nursery, although it does vary from nursery to nursery. Try to order in full bundle sizes of 5 (3/4" up caliper) or 10 (5/8" or less caliper sizes). Most nurseries will not break bundles without an extra charge.
If you are looking for "onsie-twosies" for your backyard orchard we can't help you but our friends at Grandpa's Orchard usually can.
RESTRICTED AND/OR PATENTED VARIETIES. Please understand that we may not be able to sell you certain varieties because there are restrictions.
For the MAIA varieties you must be a member of the Midwest Apple Growers Association. This is open to almost every commercial fruit grower and it is easy to join and participate.
Some varieties may require signed licenses. We can advise you.
Some varieties are "club" or strictly restricted to certain growers. We can advise you.
CONTRACTS AND UNUSUAL NEEDS. Most of the nurseries we sell for grow mostly varieties which are in demand by commercial orchards across the country. Heirloom and older strains are often harder to find. We will do our best. We often know potential budding lists a year or so ahead. IF YOU HAVE A LARGE ENOUGH NEED FOR A PARTICULAR VARIETY, WE CAN OFTEN FIND A NURSERY TO DO THEM FOR YOU. PLEASE LET US KNOW YOUR WISH. Some nurseries will do as few as 50, others may be 1000s.